Organic Health Secrets – What You Should Know About Organic Foods

Organic Health Secrets – What You Should Know About Organic Foods

Organic foods taste better than the non-organic foods. This is because they are treated in a more hands-off way. By not treating animals and plants with toxic chemical products and putting a little more work in, organic farmers can produce great tasting products.

You will notice that organic food will start to go bad far more quickly than non-organic food. This is because the food producers use preservative sprays on the fruits and vegetables before they are transported and meat is injected with preservatives and other chemicals to ensure that it is the ‘right’ color for the customer. Because people have become so used to buying bright red meat, they have actually become prejudice against meat that is fresher, which usually has a grey tinge to it. Vegetables and fruit that have been treated with preservatives can be dangerous if they are not washed properly. If you have ever bought a non-organic apple, you will notice that they are covered with a waxy layer. This layer is easily removed by washing it, and if you rub the apple you will notice it becomes shiny. This layer is actually a preservative that can be harmful if consumed in large quantities.

Organic meat that is raised in a free range way can offer great benefits. The animals are able to roam around wherever they like and so they have the ability to develop muscles and graze on healthy grass. Non-organic animals do not have the same luxury. The non-organic animals are kept in small confined spaces so that they put on weight quickly. They are fed on substandard feed and are given chemical medication to help them to put on weight and muscle. The chemicals present in the non-organic animals can make you very ill. If you choose the organic meats, you have less chance of getting diseases that can be passed on through animals, and you will not be consuming the chemicals which can cause cancer and heart problems.



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