Is Organic Food The Right Choice?

Is Organic Food The Right Choice?

There is a lot of attention being given to organic food. Some people try to only eat organic and others think it is basically hogwash. It’s sort of black and white choice for many.

Organic food has only become so popular because much of our food nowadays contains GMO — genetically modified ingredients as well as unhealthy pesticides. Added to that the ground, having been treated with all sorts of chemical fertilizers over the years and is often totally leached of nutrients.

To grow anything organic, the soil needs to be free of chemicals for seven years and obviously no artificial fertilizers can be used to grow organic produce. This means that nothing toxic can enter your body if you grow or buy organic foods.

While we can think of great tasting organic tomatoes, zucchini, carrots and potatoes, it is also prudent to choose organic grains. Grains are widely produced in huge fields. Over the years the area has got larger and the machinery used to plant and harvest accommodate these gigantic fields. Because we choose to grow one crop over a large area, we need to use chemical fertilizers freely because the crops lack any variety of other plants that could work in harmony to prevent much of the disease this mono-culture is subject to. This means that wheat for example is now genetically modified and still grows in nutrient-arm soil with the aid of chemicals. Books like Wheat Belly paint a grim picture of what our association with this important crop has come to. Why do we continue to think that consuming products doused in chemicals will not affect our health?

It is no wonder, in our present culture of fast and processed food which uses many chemicals (including an overabundance of sugar, that many people have simply had enough of this lifestyle. They want to go back to how it was in their grandparents’ era where food was individually produced and chemicals and toxins weren’t in the picture. Already we are being told that the present generation of children will be the first no to outlive their parents’ generation. These children have grown up with fast foods, microwaves and often never even realize that the milk or hamburgers they consume come from a cow.

We are rapidly becoming an artificial culture, wearing clothes that are sprayed with chemicals, using skin care and make up made from petroleum products, and eating food that has no long got anything much to do with nature.

Every parent wants only the best for their children. They should start with organic food.



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