Tag higher performing product

Are Organic Foods Really Superior?

Some people think the benefits of organic food are debatable, while others swear by their wholesome goodness. So what’s being served at your house tonight? Are you enjoying the advantages of organic food, or are you still debating the issues?

Higher Standards In Quality

In 1990 The Organic Food Production Act was adopted, and it means that any item given the “Organic” label must meet certain standards of quality and production. The highest grade of organic guarantees that nothing poisonous was used in growing or processing the food. While there are measures in place for non-organic foods, they are fairly murky and more open to the personal interpretation of the manufacturer or grower.

Cleaner Groundwater

When food is grown according to the organic standard, there aren’t all the chemicals being washed over produce that can end up contaminating ground water and other sources. Also, organic soil can actually act as a better filter for the water that flows through it, picking up more carbon than regular dirt that has been exposed to a variety of harmful chemicals.

Increased Choices At The Supermarket And Beyond

With the advent of organics, consumers now have a lot more choices available to them, from tomatoes to cotton sheets. Companies have caught on to the demands, and are now making many things in a much better way. These days, people don’t have to buy fish caught by a boat with no standards of health or decency. They can look for an organic label and be assured that improved methods and higher quality prevailed.

Being Kind To Animals

The organic philosophy insists that wildlife be respectfully treated and always taken into consideration, even when farms are expanding. This regard for nature protects the environment and the produce, leaving both your digestive tract and conscience free from a lot of unnecessary debris.

Fewer Modified Genes

While scientists on each side of the GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) debate continue to squabble over how much or how little the process of altering genes can impact the end user (you), these products continue to flood the market. Much of the time, people don’t even realize what they are buying unless they know what little numbers represent on the packaging. Organic foods are never modified at the nucleic level, simply because it just isn’t natural.

Organic food is unquestionably a superior and higher performing product for consumers, as well as better for the environment. If the featured dish on your dining table tonight isn’t organic, then exactly what is it?